Senior IT Specialist experienced with all stages of the development cycle for
IT projects. Up to date with technologies such as MEAN stack (MongoDB,
ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js), and including others such as React (as
well as React Native), Vue, Python, PostgreSQL and Redis. Well versed in
DevOps (Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins and Ansible). Strong background in
microcontrollers, system on a chip and IoT devices. Knowledgeable about
machine learning frameworks, models and concepts. Familiarized with
networking technologies and devices (CCNA certification). Acquainted with
financial markets and the inner details of the banking systems. Currently
researching (PhD) mathematical and theoretical basis of blockchain
technologies and their untapped improvements that can help our society.
Specialist Software Engineer – 09/2020 to Now
Termene Just – Ploiești, Romania
• Using machine learning and advanced computer inference to
extract useful data impacting cutting-edge business decisions taken
by the major Romanian companies’ stakeholders and executives.
Independent contractor – 02/2019 to Now
• Adding value to clients’ business through the usage of web and
mobile technologies along with DevOps best practices regarding
deployment and automation while at the same time keeping a
level-headed but formal communication channel with the
aforementioned clients to gauge their changing business needs.
Teaching Assistant – 09/2016 to Now
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest – Bucharest, Romania
• Deliver lectures and lead laboratory sessions for multiple courses.
• Building a complete homework checker and grader for numerous
Operating System courses. Coordinating and leading the TAs in
charge with the homework components of the forenamed courses.
Software Developer – 06/2016 to 04/2019
Wyliodrin – Bucharest, Romania
• Collaborating on open source projects for IoT devices.
• Collaborating with an Indian and American team on a fully-fledged
solution for water dispensers.
• Planning and building a cloud deployment and management
platform for IoT devices (low resource and user-friendly interface).
• Helping build an educational IoT board that teaches students
electronic components’ principles and basic programming.
Volunteer/Organizer – 06/2016 to 08/2019
IP Workshop organization – Târgu Mureș, Romania
• Yearly organizing and planning a two-weeks IT & entrepreneurship
summer school where professors from Europe and US teach IT and
business concepts guiding students and pupils through the process
of prototyping a product.